
Showing posts from March, 2019

Fine Arts Portraits

A fine Portrait is a type of photo that expresses emotion, feelings and moods. In  fine art  photography,  the  photographer is  the artist.  A  fine art portrait  image is created by  the  photographer as an  artist  and not just by  the  camera.    Liam Rimmington        Martin Neuhof

Commercial Portraits

A commercial portrait is a type of photograph that is is used for commercial uses, such as product shots and head shots. These photographs are often used for the promotional marketing of a business including website placement and product previews.

Project 9 Surrealism And Photomontage

I edited these by getting two pictures, a foreground cut out image and a background image. I then edited the picture i wanted to put on the background by removing its background and putting it on the other picture. I did this so it stands out and doesn't look in place.

Project 9 Pre-Work

Salvador Dali Salvador Dali Max Ernst Max Ernst Surrealism is  a cultural movement that is expressed through art, literature, and even politics.  Surrealism was an art and cultural (philosophical) movement that began in Paris, France in the 1920's. It mainly focused on unlikely combinations of recognizably realistic images to create dream-inspired images. Most commonly thought of as artworks that juxtaposed the fantastical or dream world with real life. Surrealism photos are a type of photo that express the creativity of the mind, using abstract and weird objects to form a photo. These artists have taken surrealism photos that dont represent anything real.

Project 8 Printed photos

Cyanotype Daguerrotype

Project #8 - Digital Alternative Process

Daguerreotypes is an obsolete photographic process, invented in 1839, in which a picture made on a silver surface sensitized with iodine was developed by exposure to mercury vapor. Mercury vapor is a type of lamp using mercury which emits a very clear, intense bright light. Cyanotypes is a photographic printing process that produces a cyan-blue print. Engineers used the process well into the 20th century as a simple and low-cost process to produce copies of drawings, referred to as blueprints. The process uses two chemicals: ferric ammonium citrate and potassium ferricyanide. Liquid Emulsion also known as Liquid Light or Silver Gelatin, is a silver based sensitizer designed for applying on any surface, exposing with an enlarger and processing in conventional black & white chemistry. An emulsion is a two phase system of immiscible liquids in which one liquid is dispersed in the other in the form of microscopic droplets. This dispersion is achieved through